Twin Flame - Confirmation Reading by Glenda

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*** This must be done PRIOR to booking a 90 Min 1:1 Zoom "Twin Flame Healing Session."

This Twin-Flame Confirmation Reading is for a solo human wanting to know if they are in fact a twin, or for a solo human who believes they’ve met their twin and wants confirmation that that is in fact their twin, or for a couple who would like confirmation that they are each others true twin.

Glenda, a Twin herself, has seen far too many people get trapped into this false idea of being a Twin Flame when in fact they are not, (or that the partner they think is their Twin, actually is a karmic soulmate but not their true twin).

Part of her mission as a Twin and Healer, is to make sure people aren't being given the wrong information which can actually harm someone's path & journey and ruin relationships. It can be very damaging to be told someone is your twin, when in fact they are NOT.

It can also be very damaging when someone is in a relationship with Person A, yet is being told by someone else they "trust" that their twin is actually Person Z, when in fact that isn't the case. It can also keep people holding on to toxic partnerships out of the name of "being a twin." Some times people are so desperate to hold onto someone that they conclude for themselves this person is their "twin flame" when in fact its actually a trauma-bond or deep wound based attachment making them feel this way toward someone else rather than a soul connection to them.

*** Glenda does NOT support toxic partnerships whether you are Twins or not. Her 90 min Twin Flame Healing sessions are done on Solo-Twins or Partnered Twins and are to help each come into wholeness with themselves so eventually they can be in harmonious union in this lifetime & fulfill their twin-union/mission here no earth.

Once you purchase & submit your question, you will need to e-mail us the follow:

Your full name & a recent photo of yourself (and the full name & photo of the person you think or have been told is your twin flame).

Please send the e-mail to :

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