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The abundance package contains three downloads. The first is an audio recording. Play it on a loop in the background - even at a low volume it is amazing what your subconscious can pick up. You can play it all night as you sleep, or on repeat in your car. The more you play it, the more sinks in and you will begin to have all kinds of ideas about how you can make money, and all kinds of abundant gifts will come. Those who have the dedication/discipline to listening to it repeatedly will have the most success as your consciousness around money changes. The second download is a video Debbie made describing some abundance practices she used to create a good amount of cash in a few days. You don't have to listen to this one repeatedly, but do the things she describes in the video to increase your abundance. Finally there is a sheet of instructions on how to use these things.

Access Money Recording Length : 45 minutes | file type: mp3

Abundance Manifestation Video by Debbie Length: 16 minutes | file type: mp4


  • "I love this! It's like having you with me 24/7!"
  • "Within 3 days of listening we got a $2500 check for back rent even with the wrong address on it ... we truly never thought we would see a dime. Money wants to play with us!!!"
  • "Within a week of repeated listening, a guy who owed us $30,000 for months and months came up with $20,000 and a promissory note for $5000 each month for the next two months. We were just hoping for some kind of payment plan! I guess we got that!"
  • "I am still listening (first time through).. I am vibrating head to toe and just got a massive download. Whew! Powerful stuff!"
  • "Unexpectedly, three things happened right in a row. A lady paid me a deposit on a job, a guy paid me 50% down on an editing job I haven't even started yet, and I got a notice in the mail that I had overpaid a bill by $300." That is exactly the kind of thing that happens when you are diligent about using the recording.
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